About Integration Quest

Picture of a long server room with bright enticing lights.

Hello, this is your Integration Quest.


You are among fellow seekers, honing our integration skills and learning our craft together.

Our Story

Our Story

Founded in 2022, as a subsidiary of Hoegg Software, Integration Quest began as a group of MuleSoft trainers, learning from one another about world-class software integration and teaching methods. We fuse academic theory and practical expertise to provide you with the tools and knowledge to connect any technology to any other. We're not just instructors, but partners in your learning journey, challenging you to apply your skills in real-world scenarios. We’re here for your success!


Our Partners

Diane Kesler 


Ryan Hoegg 


Viktoria Carlson


 Ryan Hoegg, a pioneer in the adoption of MuleSoft, has been a prominent figure in the field since presenting at his first MuleSoft conference in 2010. With a diverse background spanning systems administration, networking, enterprise architecture, and software development, Ryan brings a wealth of knowledge to his role as a MuleSoft Mentor and Certified Instructor. His teaching style, renowned for its real-world applicability, has made him a favorite among students.

Diane Kesler, affectionately known as Digital Dee, has been a dynamic force in the IT industry for over two decades. In just four years, she transitioned from a MuleSoft student to a Certified Instructor, Meetup Leader, MuleSoft Exam Developer, and CEO of Integration Quest. Recognized as one of the top MuleSoft Community Ambassadors of 2022, Diane's passion for learning and teaching is evident in her rapid ascent. 

Meet Our Team


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